
”Yawata” Horses


During the era of the Tsugaru clan (1589-1871), archery on horseback was practiced within the confines of the “Kushibiki Hachiman-gu,” the main shrine of the Nambu region. On these occasions, the strongest horses in the region were given to the shrine as an offering. Modeled on these offerings, the Yawata wooden horses were sold at the Kushibiki Hachiman Shrine as children’s toys or as a souvenir for visitors during the shrine’s Festival, and this practice continues to this day.
The body is painted brightly in white, red, and black, which create the basic color scheme for the horses. In the past, brides were carried to their husband’s house on horseback, which is portrayed by the saddle on the Yawata horse’s back.
The Yawata represents one of Japan’s three traditional horses.


“Yawata” Horses - Sacred horse of “Kushibiki Hachiman-gu”, counted as one of Japan’s three traditional horses.


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