Nambu Hime Mari (Princess Ball)
This much-loved toy originated in the Heian period (794-1192).
The base of the Nambu Hime Mari is made from cotton, bracken, and the dried husks of rice and buckwheat. Cotton is wrapped around the core, and colored thread is woven around to create the base shade. Other colors are then added in a diamond or triangular pattern to form this type of bright and colorful embroidery.
Patterns, such as ‘Shippo’ (seven treasures), ‘Ungen’ (multi-layered gradation of one or more colors), and ‘Sokaku-jupo’ (two cranes, ten treasures), which are found on tatami mat borders and other patterns associated with nobility, are arranged to create colorful, geometric designs.

“Yawata” Horses - Sacred horse of “Kushibiki Hachiman-gu”, counted as one of Japan’s three traditional horses.
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